Saturday, June 28, 2014

Your carelessness today can cause you everlasting sorrow. Becareful-Somaybliss

Crying in a wise way and achieve something from God.

When you are hurt:The best way to cry and achieve something. When you are in a serious mood of crying.Don't just cry and waste your tears,keep on praying to God, to shame Satan that you are not crying for nothing but you are still praying to God. Take note:Hannah, she cried bitterly at Shiloh and she was praying to God to grant her prayer.God answered her prayer and blessed her with children(Samuel one of her children, one of the great prophets in the Bible). Please cry wisely.-Somaybliss

There is God.

Don't allow the sweetness of this world stop you from enjoy the everlasting sweetness in heaven. Remember your God always.-Somaybliss

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Bad dream Bad dream is a satanic manipulation in the spiritual realm being reviewed to you in your dream. Bad dream is meant to warn you about what may happen to you in the physical realm very soon/later in the future. Don't be scared just pray/fast over it immediately you awake. There is God to save you from fulfilment of bad dream upon your life.God bless you Somaybliss cares

Sunday, June 1, 2014

God gave the 10 Commandmentsfrom Mount Sinai, accompanied by smoke, earthquakes and the blast of a trumpet to emphasize the importance of these laws. Moses recorded God’s words in Exodus 20 and recounted the event again in Deuteronomy 5.

The 10 Commandments List, Short Form 1.You shall have no other gods before Me. 2.You shall not make idols. 3.You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. 4.Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5.Honor your father and your mother. 6.You shall not murder. 7.You shall not commit adultery. 8.You shall not steal. 9.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 10.You shall not covet.

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