Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014

We are humbly seeking for your assistance(poultry keeping project proposal)






1.      Executive Summary

2.      Introduction

3.       Problem Statement

4.      Vision

5.      Mission Statement

6.      Objectives

7.      Activities

8.      Management and Implementation of the Project

9.      Budget

10. Contact Details

11. Unique Poultry Farm (Logo and Pictures below)



















Name of Organization
Unique Poultry Farm
Ohsin Aremu ,Ilorin State, Nigeria
Name of Contact Person
Ogunbode Amos Olusoji   Tel. +2347032653354
Position held
Project Co-coordinator
Name of Contact Person
Ogunbode Gabriel Oluwole   Tel. +2347062684782
Position held
Project manger
Project Title:
Poultry keeping with Nigeria’ Youths
Amount Requested:
₦6,390,000       or     $ 39,444.44
Project Period
18 Months























This is a poultry project specifically designed for eggs production. It is planned to start with 2000 layer birds. The Total project cost for the poultry project alone shall be ₦6,390,000 or ($39,444.44) broken down as; ₦2,660,000 or ($16,419.75) for construction, ₦3,730,000 or ($23,024.69) for purchase of the layers, poultry feeds (for four months), vaccines and drugs and other poultry accessories for 18 months. For capacity building, water and electric installation, administrative costs and labor cost for 18 months. It is assumed that only 80% production shall be realized, which means 21600 trays of eggs shall be realized per month for 12 months on average.(60 trays per month X 30days X 12 months =21600 trays. The primary customers for the eggs shall be prominent egg traders within Ilorin and possibility nearest states to Ilorin. The reason for the target market is that egg production in Unique Poultry Farm can not meet market demands in the country.

To increase the sustainability of Unique Poultry Farm enabling it to continuously support its mission, helping to improve the social economic welfare and vulnerability of the Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and the Youth in Nigeria. In order to realize the above results, the following main activities must be implemented:

1.  Contract the services of a builder to construct a chicken house 

2.  Select and train OVC, especially those out of school, to support the project

3.  Procure and rear chickens to lay eggs to be sold for consumption

4.  Continuously monitor and evaluate activities to ensure objectives are met

If these activities are implemented, it will create a great impact in the lives of the project beneficiaries. In the first place, the the project will create employment for at least 50 youngsters currently not employed in any productive venture in the future, when the grow to it full potential.  This employment will give them an alternative way to generate income, decreasing their dependence on their parents, and thereby decreasing their risk of committing crimes.

In spite of these goals, Unique Poultry Farm lacks the financial resources necessary to realize this project. The organization seeks ₦6,390,000 to aid in the start-up of this income generating project.












Organizational Profile


Unique Poultry Farm is a non profit Organization (NGO), established by Mr. Ogunbode Gabriel Oluwole (B.SC Chemistry, University of Ilorin) and Mr. Ogunbode Amos Olusoji (B.TECH Pure and Applied Physics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo state).After seeking for job from different organizations and we couldn’t get any to support ourselves. We came up with an Idea to start a poultry farm to bring good life to the youths and less privileges people in the country.

             With a focus on working with teenage youth(s). It is dedicated to promoting job opportunities, assistances, educational and health supports It also seeks to facilitate the youths to initiate create income generating projects, and as we are  creating development initiatives to employ them.



The problem at hand is that many cases we find ourselves in financial needs particularly to support our schooling (M.Tech, PhD and others) and to extend the farm to increase the productions, in order to start generating enough income to manage the activities and the youths. In addition, some of the youth out school are unemployed in productive venture so as to support themselves.

We consultatively came up with the poultry project as income generating project as sources of income to our lives and furthermore, we seek to provide income generation projects for the youth, giving them an alternate way to support themselves and their dependents.




     To ensure equal provision of social support to all orphans and youth in the country.









  1. Mission Statement/Goal:

 Its mission is to promote poultry farming and the youths are cared for, supported, bodily, mentally, socially, and with an emphasis on education, nutrition and social support to facilitate a meaningful life.



Overall Goal

To be amongst the best poultry farms in Nigeria, that provides job opportunities to the youths and graduates, and to make proteins available to all less privileges at cheaper rate.


Specific Objectives


  1. To establish a business, raising and selling chickens and eggs (poultry products) and use its profits to help support the activities.
  2. To improve the economic welfare of the country and the Youths employing them to run and support the “poultry farming project”.
  3.   To train the Youths and the people who have no opportunities to continue for secondary education in business and management so that they may successfully support their needs.



  1. Procure materials for constructing a permanent poultry house with favorable conditions for raising chickens and eggs
  2. Contract builders to build a structure ( poultry house) for raising chickens and eggs
  3. Contract the services needed for the installation of electricity.
  4. Contract the services needed to install a water system.
  5. Contract the services needed to install battery cages
  6. Procure 2000 layers(point of lays) and the necessary food and supplies needed to support them
  7. Recruit and hire the agriculture extension officer to provide veterinary services to layer birds and to support the needs of the project.


  1. Monitor and evaluate the activities of the poultry farm and its overall impact to its target group and as an organization, reviewing the management of the project and the sale of poultry product.




Project Expected Results


  1. In the first year, the project will have 2000 laying hens that will produce eggs for sale
  2. At the end of the first year, the project will earn ₦5,940,000 or $36,666.67(after removing their feedings and others expensive) from the sale of eggs to be used to assist in the costs of sustaining the project
  3. At the end of the second year of their productions(its remaining 5months), the project will earn ₦1,485,000 or $9,166.67 (₦5,940,000 +  ₦1,485,000 = ₦7,425,000 or $45,833.33) from the sale of eggs , enabling it to sustain itself and see a profit
  4. At the end of each hen’s egg-producing life, each will be put on the market.  Profits realized from this ₦7,425,000 will be reinvested into the project, as a part of ensuring its sustainability and assisting organization in running of it’s the daily activities.
  5. The project will create employment for at least 25 youths who are currently not employed in meaningful activities. This employment will give them an alternative way to generate income, decreasing their dependency on their parents, and reducing crime rates.
  6. The project will provide opportunities and youth with practical skills and in poultry keeping, business, marketing, and management.  These skills can be used in future jobs or income generation activities of their own accord.
  7. Profits from the project, invested directly into the Unique Poultry Farm, educational supports, assisting the poor, orphans, and paying bills at hospitals to assist patients.
  8. The project will be a model for future income generation projects within the country.















The organization has the capacity to run the proposed project effectively. In the first place, it has some experience in poultry keeping, and it can collaborate with the district agricultural officers to conduct more training to its staff so that they gain more skills and knowledge on how to rear chickens on a large scale.

See below (starting from page11 to the last page, our poultry farm which is named Unique Poultry Farm. 

Institutional framework and linkages

 In the first place, Gbemisola Feed Mills and B and G Feed Mills at Ilorin will partner with the Unique Poultry Farm, which have expatriates in agriculture and animal husbandry. The organization will partner with organizations in the province which are also involved in poultry farming activities.  The organization will draw more on the experiences of these people to help in the training and development of this project as it progresses.  These relationships will help to ensure this project is successful.



The project will be executed by the organization.  However, it will set up a separate project committee which will be responsible for the day to day coordination and implementation of the project activities. It will also be responsible for planning, supervising, monitoring and reviewing all project activities.

Implementation of the project activities will call for close collaboration with a wide range of partners such as potential buyers of poultry products, sellers of animal feeds, District agricultural department, and the project funders.

 This will enhance the opportunities for the realization of the broad goals and objectives of this project.


 Monitoring and evaluation

General Monitoring and evaluation will be an on going activity throughout the project life.  Monitoring will be routinely done through meetings monthly reports, check lists, and support supervision visits. These reports shall indicate the constraints and challenges in the implementations and necessary adjustments that had been taken. Progress evaluation will be done through use of monthly quarterly reports, steering committee meetings, annual report, registry records, work pans indicating planned and accomplished activities, functional accountability for project resources including equipment, facilities, assets and activities.

Progress monitoring and evaluation will help the project team to assess the extent to which implementation is meeting the set objectives.  This will enable the project team to revisit the objectives and priorities and to find ways and means of improving the performance and better resource used.


 Financial Management of the project.

Finances accruing to this project will be entered into the proper books of accounts when received. A special Account in the name of the project will be opened to cater for only project funds. To ensure effective control, management and monitoring of project funds, no single signatory will be allowed to access project funds, and the signatories of this account will be three. Under the consent of the three and approval of the committee funds will be withdrawn from the bank and utilized for the intended purpose.

Books of accounts will be audited regularly through external auditors. After auditing the project accounts, the auditors will submit an audit report, which will satisfy the donors and the stakeholders that correct and proper books of accounts have been be maintained.


There will be the project committee which exercises budgetary control over project finances. This will be exercised through the comparison of expenses estimated in the budget with actual expenses incurred during the period.


Project Profit Projection

It is assumed that only 80% production shall be realised, which means 1800 trays of eggs shall be realized per month for 12 months. That is to say 60 trays X 30 days X 12 Months = 21600 trays of eggs in one year. A tray of egg goes at ₦550 or $3.40. This means a gross revenue of  ₦11,880,000 or $73,333.33 shall be realized from the sale of eggs.


The off layers at the end of production shall be sold at ₦800 or $4.94 each, raising additional revenue ₦1,600,000 or $9,876.54. This implies that total gross revenue of ₦13,480,000 or $83,209.88 shall be realized at the end of the production cycle in 18 months, and this implies a net profit of ₦8,122,500 or $50,138.89 shall be made at the end of 18 Months.







Project sustainanbility

In the initial stage, the project will be sustained by donor funds. However, in the long run the project will finance itself.  Part of the funds will be used to execute another poultry farm at different state while another percentage will be re-invested in the poultry business to expand the project, hence increasing sales and profits.

Through the capacity building workshops, the project staff will be empowered with some skills in treatment of layer birds and have appropriate knowledge feeds rational.







  1. Layers (point of lay)
₦1,200 (Layer)
  1. Construction
·         Purchasing blocks
·         Purchasing sand
20 trip
·         Purchasing cement
100 bags
·         Purchasing corrugated iron sheets
20 bundles
·         Purchasing wood
·         Purchasing cages
·         Labor charge (12 % )
Growers mash
120 kgs
₦12,000 per day (6bags per day) and 1bag=₦2000
₦360,000 For one month
Layers mash
200 kgs
₦20,000 per day(8bags per day) and 1bag=₦2500
₦720,000 For three months












(+2347032653354, +2347062684782, +2348180499588)





Bank Details



Account number: 2029321465

Bank Name: UBA PLC (United Bank for Africa Plc)        


Bank Sort Code: 033191601



State: OYO                  

Country: NIGERIA    






























The next pages contain pictures and farm’s logo is from Unique Poultry Farm established by Mr. Ogunbode Gaberiel Oluwole and Mr. Ogunbode Amos Olusoji on the April 21st 2014. It has been a successful project for our future project planning to be executed on 2015/2016. This is title as Poultry Keeping With Nigeria’s Youths.


Problem faced during this project at Unique Poultry Farm.

The major problem that we faced during the early stage of this project was insufficient funding of rearing the layers to laying stages.


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